Sustainability traveling exhibitions

Our mobile exhibition materials with different themes, compiled for educational purposes, consist of 8-12 tableaus and presentation tools, sometimes demonstration elements. The panels can either be attached to a custom-made cardboard wall, or the simpler ones have a roll-up solution. Due to their nature, the exhibition materials can be exhibited indoors, for which an optional guided tour and a thematic quiz can be requested (further necessary services include construction and demolition, as well as delivery). Traveling exhibitions can be requested according to the themes described below:

Green Home – the sustainable household interactive exhibition A clean, natural, sustainable future is in the interest of all of us, the change should start in our own home! Pea, the mascot of the exhibition, gives simple tips and solutions that can be applied in our own home to make our hall, living room, bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and garden environmentally friendly.

Green Energy – the energy-saving household interactive exhibition In today’s overpopulated and extremely wasteful world of materials and energy, the production of electrical energy necessary for our daily lives places a huge environmental burden on our planet. We must strive for sustainability, to which we, as consumers, can contribute with energy saving and efficient use. Our exhibition provides guidance for this.

Trash school interactive exhibition Töhötöm, the turtle, shows through the Trash school exhibition what you need to know about waste, taking environmental protection aspects into account. A clean, waste-free future is in the interest of all of us, and we can do a lot for it ourselves! The exhibition presents the possibilities with which we can reduce the amount of waste we generate, as well as how waste can be creatively recycled.

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