Black stork trail
Black stork nature trail The educational trail presents the unique wildlife of the Bodrogköz backwaters. A backwater is a former branch of a river that
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The basic task of the Green Circle is environmental education and attitude formation, without which effective environmental and nature protection is unthinkable. One form of this is the on-site presentation of
the different habitats, in connection with which in recent years the association has participated in the ideation and implementation of several nature conservation and knowledge trails in the north-eastern tip
of Hungary: Hajdúság, Hortobágy, Nyírség and Bodrogköz.
Although most of the nature trails are free to visit and do not require a guide, most of them have a nature trail guide booklet.These tables mostly contain appendices and figures that supplement the concise
information.But if someone in your group wants to have a lasting experience, it is worth contacting us and making an appointment to request a tour guide.Nothing can replace local knowledge and
experience gained in the given terrain.
In order for today’s young people to become adults committed to the cause of nature conservation, we need to introduce them to and make them love our still-to-be-found natural values.If you can, visit thenature trails presented here with your family and friends and find joy in the outdoors, in nature!
Black stork nature trail The educational trail presents the unique wildlife of the Bodrogköz backwaters. A backwater is a former branch of a river that
Hortobágy tanösvény The Hortobágy is a river crossing the lowland wasteland, which is the most important watercourse of the small region of the same name,
Vackor trail 2015, the Hajdúhadház Forest Ownership Association created the 2.7 kilometer long Vackor trail in the Kutasi forest part of the Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oaks Natura
Black stork education centre and coastal nature trail The Bodrog River and its floodplains, as well as Tokaj-Hegyalja, are very rich in natural values. The
Bird photography from a hideout Observing and researching birds was the favorite pastime of several members of the organization during the period of the foundation
Gray cattle study trail The study trail is intended to present the traditions of the once proud market town of Hajdúnánás as an extensive animal
Protected natural areas of local importance are the natural values declared protected by decree by local governments. These can be in terms of their category nature conservation areas or natural monuments (e.g. protected trees, rows of trees).Historically, county councils and their executive committees have exercised this authority since 1971.That way a number of county (local) protected natural areas declared protected by council decrees were created until 1990.After the change of regime, with the establishment of local governments, the declaration of local protected areas was the responsibility of the local representative bodies, while their maintenance was the responsibility of the clerk of the given settlement.The national register of protected natural areas of local importance is managed by the ministry responsible for nature conservation (Register of Protected Natural Areas).
The Zöld Kör has been managing the nature conservation of the local protected areas in Hajdúböszörmény since 2006 within the framework of an agreement on the assumption of local government responsibilities, but in the case of several areas the association was also the initiator of the declaration of protected areas (in 1996 and 2000).We present these areas in this menu item.In addition, we also initiated the declaration of an area and some protected monuments (trees, rows of trees) in the area of Hortobágy village and Sárospatak city with the proposals we compile.
Oak forest with Lily of the Valley This forest part belonging to the Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oak forests Natura 2000 forest block has been protected since 1981
Hornbeam-oak forest The 16.3-hectare hornbeam-oak forest of the Hajdúböszörmény City Forest has been protected since 1986, which is now also part of the Debrecen-Hajdúböszörmény oak
Tócó-völgy The region of origin of the Tócó-ér valley, in the border area of Zelemér in Böszörmény, has enjoyed protection of local importance since 1996
Nagy-nyerges rét The reed meadow called Partos-rét in Hajdúböszörmény and Nagy-nyerges, located a few hundred meters away, are also mostly reeds and the associated broad
Pig-back lawn The Disznósháti lawn in Hajdúböszörmény is a nearly 20-hectare mowing field and a few hectares of young oak trees, in the north-western tip
Zeleméri templomrom The ruins of Zelemér’s medieval church and the hill below it have been protected as a natural asset of local importance since 1981.The
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