Stork conservation center

The largest white stork population in North-Eastern Hungary is located in Bodrogkeresztúr.That is why the interactive exhibition was created here, which presents the lifestyle, migration and nesting habits of wading birds, which are so close to the souls of these people.The 180 m2 exhibition also includes an engaging puppet theater and an external bird protection educational trail. The exhibition is primarily recommended for children’s groups and families, in connection with which, upon prior registration, the association’s animators – for a separate service fee – engage with the interested in a playful way, helping the visitors to gain as much experience and knowledge as possible, developing their dexterity and sensitizing them to the issue of bird and nature conservation. In thespring and summer breeding season, we also recommend our village walks, during which you can get to know some sights and points of interest, while you can spot several families of storks with a guidewith sufficient local knowledge. The exhibition and the related bird conservation trail were created by the Green Circle in 2023 as part of the “Bird Tour” ecotourism project financed by the Bodrogkeresztúr Municipality and the Slovakia-Hungary Interreg VA Program.The exhibition is operated by Zöld Kör.

OPENING HOURS (between May 1 and September 30): 
Thursday between 10:00 and 16:00
Friday between 10:00 and 16:00 hours
Saturday between 10:00 and 16:00 hours

At other times, for groups by appointment!
Address of the exhibition: Bodrogkeresztúr, Kossuth utca 30-32.

More information:
The exhibition can be visited periodically and for an entrance