Pig-back lawn

The Disznósháti lawn in Hajdúböszörmény is a nearly 20-hectare mowing field and a few hectares of young oak trees, in the north-western tip of the city’s administrative area, which has been protected since 2004. The area is located in a border area called “meadow” by the locals, which geographically belongs to the Hortobágy landscape unit. Despite its small size, the area hides many botanical values, so Dizznóshát is a real colorful habitat island with a large agricultural culture in its neighborhood surrounded by landscape.

On it, as the last survivors, the Siki and Loess Puszta flora elements typical of this landscape defy time.Thus, you can find here the protected Iris spuria, the meadow aster (Aster sedifolius) and the featureless but also protected Siki sedge (Peucedanum officinale), which is a rare Natura 2000 marking butterfly species, the night-active Siki owl (Gortyna borelii ) host plant. And in the oak forest, three of our orchid species can be found in the few hectares of middle-aged oaks. Thus, we can find the rarer sword bird’s helmet (Cephalanthera longifolia), the white bird’s helmet (Cephalanthera damasonium), which can be found in more than a hundred specimens each year, and occasionally the broad-leaved helleborine (Epipactis helleborine). Among the wild animals, the European roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and the hare (Lepus europaeus) have beautiful herds. Among the birds, the presence of the osprey (Coracias garrulus), the red falcon (Falco tinnunculus), and the little watchman (Lanius minor) is worth mentioning. The protected area can be approached from the city on main road No. 35 towards the village of Görbeháza, after the village of Pród, turning opposite the Tejház vineyard, which is marked by an oval sign at the entrance of the only dirt road.