Black stork nature trail

The educational trail presents the unique wildlife of the Bodrogköz backwaters. A backwater is a former branch of a river that lost its connection with living water either naturally – by silting up one or both ends of the river due to a change in flow direction – or artificially during river regulation.In our case, the backwater only partially lost its connection with the Bodrog river, because water supply can be solved in the East Bodrog backwater (commonly known as the Berek) with the help of a sluice built into the river dam. The backwaters in the Carpathian basin were created by the large river controls, which began on August 27, 1846 at Tiszadob in Szabolcs county, based on the plans of Pál Vásárhelyi, with the first hoe cutting. From 1863, they continued on the Bodrog as well, creating dozens of backwaters along the river. Of these, the horseshoe-shaped Berek backwater is the largest, with a length of 5.2 km, with a water surface of 52 hectares and a relative water depth of between 1 and 5 meters (its average water depth is 1.6 meters).

The educational trail presents a slice of the flora and fauna of Berek’s four different habitat types – floating seaweed fields, coastal marsh and willow areas, open grassland and gallery forest surrounding the backwater – with the help of 9 stations. The approximately 1,000-meter-long trail can be covered by bicycle or on foot, but the area can also be entered freely by car.
The nature trail is easily accessible from Sárospatak along the lower level road leading to Tiszacsermely, turning left directly at the settlement sign indicating the end of the town. The first information board was placed here, which is also the starting point of the educational trail.

More information:
Theeducational trail is free to visit!